Thursday, October 21, 2010

Two Important Things to Give to Your Children

Once a baby is borne his parents start to set beautiful dreams of what this child shall be someday.  To fulfill that dream parents invest money to support that dream--food, clothing, health, education and other needs of the child.  However, oftentimes when parents focus on earning money more, they overlook the most important investment they can give to their children. One beautiful quotation posted on a wall struck me.  It says, "Ttwo important things to give to your children: Roots and Wings." What does this mean?

Psalm 1:3  says, "He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruits in its season, and its leaf does not wither.  In all that he does, he prospers." (ESV.Bible)  Parents showing by words and example on honesty, obedience, respect, love, courtesy; kindness, sympathy, tenderness, helpfulness, humbleness, self-restraint, and reverance to GOD is giving their children strong roots by which they can grown on and yield beautiful lives that can touch other people's lives.  Good human relationship is the key to prosperity whatever vocation they may take in life.

How can parents give wings to their children?  Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." (ESV.Bible) Child training starts even while the baby is still unborn, one author said.  A pregnant mother with pleasant dispoisition most likely will pass on that disposition to her child. Many mothers can testify to this experience.  A one-year-old baby can be taught to pick up his toy, to obey when Mama says he stops crying and many other simple things he needs to obey.  Children should be given responsibilities at home according to what they can do at certain stage of ages.  Above all, they should be taught to take responsibilities at home of which they are accountable of if they failed to do.  Of course, this training should be administered with much love, understanding and kind consideration when errors and mistakes are committed.  Generous appreciation and encouragements be given to work well done as these will boost the self-esteem and self confidence. When children are being prepared to take their responsibilities while they are still young, they can mount up their wings like eagles at mature age and leave the nest--our home.  No parents wish to have emotional or spiritual invalids but children with giants of minds who will be assets to the world, not liabilities.

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